Art in America July 2002 Markus Linnenbrink at Margaret Thatcher Projects By Jonathan Goodman Markus Linnenbrink, a German artist in his early 40s, has become known for creating installation-sized paintings on walls and floors, as well as for more traditional works on canvas. He almost always favors stripes, whose hues blend and comment on each […]

By Robin Laurence November 14th, 2007 At the Surrey Art Gallery until December 16 It’s not quite what you expect to hear when you enter an exhibition of ceramic sculpture. But walk into Linda Sormin’s mixed-media installation, part of Mobile Structures at the Surrey Art Gallery, and there it is, the distinct sound of clay pots […]

Inconsistency pays off Cornelia Schulz’s technical finesse links diverse work By Kenneth Baker Too often artists preparing for a show will worry their work into a false consistency. Bay Area painter Cornelia Schulz has resisted this temptation in her new work at Sweetow. Multiple canvases or panels make up many of the pieces. Schulz frequently […]

International Contemporary Art   No. 71, Fall 2001  Supersize Child By Si Si Penaloza    Art Chicago, Festival Hall, Navy Pier (Closed May 14, 2001)   This year’s international Invitational at Art Chicago featured eighteen innovative contemporary art galleries from around the world, most of which were making their inaugural appearances in the United States. […]

May 26, 2001   Drips of color at Sweetow By Kenneth Baker   Linnenbrink and Lazzari   At a glance the work of German painter Markus Linnenbrink at Sweetow recalls the ‘60s “stripe paintings” of Morris Louis and Gene Davis. But Linnenbrink’s canvases express none of the American painters’ faith that some color sequences have […]

Wednesday, Mar 7, 2001 Reel World By Michael Fox Big Bad Mama As a responsible member of the Fourth Estate, I can in no way condone the five-finger discount. But filmmaker Jeanne Finley, back in town and teaching at the California College of Arts and Crafts after a few years in New York, can be […]

THE EUREKA FELLOWSHIP AWARDS: 1999 – 2001 The Eureka Fellowship Awards: 1999 – 2001 marked the third presentation of Eureka fellowship winners at the San Jose Museum of Art and reflected the Museum’s shared commitment with the Fleishhacker Foundation to support Bay Area artists. The 12 fellowship winners were among 113 artists who applied from […]

July 17, 1998 CRITIC’S NOTEBOOK; A Revolution Made Of Gritty Intimacy By Stephen Holden New York Video Festival, 1998 …Jeanne Finley and John H. Muse’s ”O Night Without Objects,” the centerpiece of ”The Good, the Bad and the Converted,” tells the true story of a rabidly anti-Semitic grand dragon of the Ku Klux Klan in […]