Tracy King (neice); Arlene Lovett (sister); Cornelia Schulz   Art matters in a time of crisis, for the connection to the energy and spirit of creativity is a vital life force, not just for culture but for civilization itself.     Art Toronto 2019   The arts bind us to the lineage of cultures past […]

APRIL 1, 2020 BY CATHERINE KIRKPATRICK Artists on Coping: Helen O’Leary During the Coronavirus pandemic, Art Spiel is reaching out to artists to learn how they are coping. Photo by Eva O’ Leary, Fader Magazine  Helen O’Leary is an Irish-born artist best known for constructions that blur the boundaries between painting and sculpture, object and image. She trained […]

March 7, 2020 – July 26, 2020 East Building, Level B, Joyce W. Pope Gallery  Throughout modern art history, painting has been declared dead and later resuscitated so many times that the issue now tends to has largely been ignored. Despite any debate over painting’s viability, artists continue to persevere in keeping the medium fresh […]

Linda Sormin Linda Sormin explores vulnerability, upheaval and change through sculpture and site-responsive installation. Born in Bangkok, Thailand, she immigrated to Canada with her family at the age of five. After working in community development for four years in Thailand and Lao PDR, Sormin studied ceramics at Andrews University, Sheridan College and Alfred University (MFA […]

Christopher Miles’s ceramic sculptures are lurching and sprouting eruptions of organic form.  Opulent clay bodies spew glazes from tubular protrusions and gawping cavities, evoking visceral bodily transformation and dramas of ruinous ravishment.  To the extent Miles’s sculpture represents disfigurement and eroticized physicality, he is arguably the David Cronenberg of contemporary ceramics.  Not only can one […]

Posted on 21 January 2020. by David M. Roth Brad Brown: Clockwise L to R: Piece 308 (Untitled), 2018, oil, basswood, plywood, brads; Piece 69 (Itch), 2004-2012, oil, canvas, masonite; Piece 298 (Untitled), 2012-2018, oil, acrylic, walnut ink, plywood, brads; Piece 170 (Lascaux Thought Balloon), 2004-2017, oil, canvas, masonite, plywood, screws. 12 x 12″ ea.  […]

    Markus Linnenbrink’s dazzlingly seductive work functions like painting, but it isn’t.  Working with epoxy resin, wooden supports, pigment, and a router mobilized by two joysticks, Linnenbrink constructs objects that examine both painting and sculpture.  He is also known for color-saturated installations of vast, wall-spanning bands of dripping paint. His process is methodical and […]

Lien Truong visited by Maria Britton September 20, 2018 in Maria Britton, East Lien Truong and I met a few years ago during an opening for her solo show at The Carrack in Durham, NC. We share a common interest in everything about fabric, from the history of textiles to the physical qualities of fabric. […]

Posted on 28 September 2019. by David M. Roth Jacqueline Surdell, Naturally Nasty Goes Dark, 2018, rope, metal, acrylic, 72 x 120 inches   Crafted Illusions, a three-woman show encompassing painting, ceramics and fiber, points to the ongoing tug-o-war between craft and art.  It begs, for the umpteenth time, the question of where one ends […]