Meredith Tromble March 17, 2013 The Abandon Videos This is an odd time to be thinking about a dead leaf. Our songbird neighbors are turning up the volume and, in his impatience for love, our local skunk, normally a nocturnal fellow, has been scrambling up the hillside before sunset. Spring is upon us. Yet here […]

Mark down this dazzling show at the McColl Center in appointment book By Grace Cote March 8, 2013   Time: clocks ticking in perfect rhythm, continually, for eternity. Time: concrete and predictable. These are the easy definitions of the word. The more challenging school of thought is on display at the McColl Center in All […]

By Katherine Balcerek February 4, 2013 Time. It is a concept with which we are all familiar. We count it. We waste it. We watch it go by. There is a right time and a wrong time. You can even be behind it or ahead of it. But do we really understand it? Do we all […]

Please click here to read the article By Tracy Teagarden Spring 2013 Linda Sormin is a Toronto-based artist who teaches ceramics at Sheridan School of Craft and Design. She studied ceramics at Andrews University, Sheridan School of Craft & Design, and Alfred University, where she earned an MFA in 2003. Linda Sormin’s clay-based sculptures and […]

Donna Schumacher 01/02/2013 Sol Grotto, © Ronald Rael and Virginia San Fratello “The canopy of a tree, say a poplar, like a round house, removed the site of vulnerability—the obvious entrance and back with no protections. Privacy can creep about in the leaves and below them, hang here as lungs on the outside.”—Hazel White, “Peril […]

Friday, September 7, 2012 HELEN O LEARY Shapes of disappointment, Paris 2010, Egg oil on wood What are you working on in your studio right now? I’m just back from three months of being on the road; my gut response to the studio upon landing was one of bushwhacking, pairing down and getting rid of […]

Jamie Vasta ARTIST, OAKLAND // SEPTEMBER 2012 “ It’s been important to me to work with a material where I have to make up the rules and find my own way.” With glitter and glue and not much else, Jamie makes big paintings that depict dark and dramatic narratives. She says working with glitter is, […]

A recurring topic of conversation during our visits with artists, no matter what medium they work in, is the material aspect of art making. The hands-on confrontation and negotiation of the inherent qualities and variables of any given material—whether it’s clay, paint, fabric, paper, or wood—is at the crux of their work. Over time and […]

January 31, 2012 By Bobby Bray Visiting Artist: Gail Wight As human beings going about our daily lives on this flying random rock, it can be worth while to take a couple hours out of the routine to listen in on the thoughts of a fellow stack of atoms that has decided to professionally question […]

Art to Watch: September Gallery Guide “Gale Antokal – Some Drawings” and “Some Painting, Sculpture and Drawings” at Patricia Sweetow Gallery In one room hang remarkably sad, quiet sketches by Gale Antokal – hazy silhouettes and fading figures, whispered onto canvases through impossibly delicate chalk work. Compare this iciness to the gallery’s other room, a […]