NOV 11, 2015 HPAC exhibition explores African American identity By SAM RAPPAPORT Staff Writer Take one step into the Hyde Park Art Center gallery room that now houses Jefferson Pinder’s latest exhibition, “Onyx Odyssey,” and you’ll find yourself standing below dozens of charred, wooden billy clubs suspended in mid-air. Walk two steps to your left […]

Gail Wight: Windswept November 3, 2015 From our partners at Art Practical, today we bring you Gail Wight’s meditation on wind. Wight writes: “I began to understand that the color and texture, the hue and saturation of the sky—or of the ocean swell, the arching trees, the rippling seaweed—are constructed largely by the presence, or […]

7.2 / Art, Science, and Wonder Windswept By Gail Wight October 29, 2015 On my bookshelf is a dog-eared and ragged copy of Josef Albers’ Interaction of Color, the “revised pocket edition” from Yale University Press. I picked up this small paperback at a second-hand store in Boston in 1986. It came with a tiny packet of colored […]

Friday, October 9, 2015 HELEN O’LEARY  Short Shift, 2015    Egg tempera, oil emulsion, on constructed wood    17 x 12 x 5″ “Delicate Negotiations” Helen O’Leary at Lesley Heller Workspace (through October 18) The notion that there are numerous layers of meaning beyond what we initially see is nothing new. Whether it is literature, music, choreography or visual arts, […]

Helen O’Leary, professor of art, has been selected as an artist-in-residence for the inaugural year of a new program at the Joan Mitchell Foundation’s Joan Mitchell Center in New Orleans. O’Leary is one of twenty artists who will spend a residency of one to five months at the Center’s new campus this fall, engaged in […]

by Anissa Jousset September 22, 2105 In her series of paintings entitled After Caravaggio, artist Jamie Vasta gives Caravaggio a kitsch makeover. Endearingly reminiscent of cat themed embroideries one might find in a dank second hand shop, Vasta’s series is a perfect definition of modern. She has taken well known models and themes and completely reappropriated them in such […]

ART & DESIGN It’s Not Dry Yet By ROBERTA SMITH MARCH 26, 2010 FEW modern myths about art have been as persistent or as annoying as the so-called death of painting. Unless, of course, it is the belief that abstract and representational painting are oil and water, never to meet as one. The two notions […]

BUFFALO RISING Buffalo, New York June 2006 Hallwalls Contemporary Arts Center: Paintings, drawings, sculpture, video by Frederick Hayes. The work of Frederick Hayes employs broadly expressionist means through a variety of subject matter to explore emblems of urban ritual. As an African-American artist originally from the South, Hayes’s work uses the vernacular of blackness and […]

Stanford Report, December 6, 2006 ARTIST GAIL WIGHT EXPRESSES BEAUTY, HORROR OF SCIENCE By Barbara Palmer Over the course of two decades of injecting a playful irreverence into issues concerning biology, the history of science, and technology, artist Gail Wight has read out loud to fish, executed medical illustrations on black velvet and translated EEGs […]

    SFAQ INTERVIEW WITH KIM ANNO AND VILLE KANSANEN Kim Anno. “Men and Women in Water Cities, Chapter One,” 2012. Photograph, 22×32”. Shot in Oakland, California. Courtesy the artist. This is an unusual approach to an interview, in that it is more of a conversation between strangers: one that I staged without having actually […]