July/August 2019 vol. 38, no.4 by Susan Krane   Gail Wight’s cavernous studio on the Stanford University campus had never looked as curious as it did when I last visited. Dozens of abalone shells huddled on the worktable. Foaming waves curled down banners that hung from ceiling to floor. An entire wall was taken over by […]

By George Kevin Jordan, Special to the AFRO Renowned artist Jefferson Pinder will be presenting a limited-run performance piece exploring racial injustices throughout the U.S., including the historic 14th and U Street corridor. “THIS IS NOT A DRILL,” is part of the Red Summer Tour by Pinder, presented on June 13 and June 14 at 7 p.m. Doors […]

An Installation at Ground Zero for Chicago’s 1919 Race Riot On Saturday, 100 participants will float in the water off of Margaret T. Burroughs Beach — one for each year since Eugene Williams was killed there. BY MARIDSA CHOUTE PUBLISHED JULY 26, 2019   The shore at Margaret T. Burroughs Beach, where the murder of […]

Liz Anderson | @planetnoun June 13, 2019, 3:09 AM   The “Red Summer of 1919,” serves as the topic for D.C. native Jefferson Pinder’s road trip that’s stopping in his hometown for performances on Thursday and Friday nights. (Courtesy Orlando Pinder)Courtesy Orlando Pinder   The “Red Summer of 1919,” serves as the topic for D.C. native Jefferson […]

‘THIS IS NOT A DRILL’ explores racial injustices George Kevin Jordan Jun 8, 2019   “This Is Not A Drill,” is a new artistic piece and experience part of the Red Summer Tour by artist Jefferson Pinder.    Renowned artist Jefferson Pinder will be presenting a limited-run performance piece exploring racial injustices throughout the U.S., […]

Tradition Interrupted @ Bedford Posted on 02 June 2019. by David M. Roth Anila Quayyum Agha, Shimmering Mirage, 2016, steel and halogen bulb, 36 x 36 x 36 inches Wounds — whether inflicted by war, religious persecution, poverty, racial prejudice, homelessness, family discord, environmental disasters, homophobia or gender bias — have long propelled the production […]

  The Violent Past, The Violent Present By Luis Lopez Levi May 16, 2019 Arts & Culture, Featured   Rehearsing “This Is Not A Drill.” Photograph by Luis Lopez. After World War I, decorated African American soldiers returned to the United States to face Jim Crow laws. Discrimination was nothing new, but 1919 was a […]

May 11, 2019 Legacy of the hand: Paolo Arao’s textile paintings 6:10 pm by Editor Paolo Arao, Of Color, 2019 Contributed by Julia Couzens / Paolo Arao’s exuberant textile paintings radiate a bracing freshness, like nautical flags snapping brightly in a cracking breeze. From a distance clear color and crisp geometry flip space backward and […]

    Linda Sormin joins New York University in her new position as a Steinhardt Studio Faculty, commencing Septemer 2019. She will be departing her current position as Professor of Ceramic Art at the New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University where she’s been a valued faculty member since 2016. Linda Sormin is […]

  Helen O’Leary, Visual Arts Fellow at the American Academy in Rome, talks of her life and art. A film Directed by Gael Towey Cinematography by Joe Tomcho & Jeff Tomcho Edited by Maria Juranic Titles by Doyle Partners