Kenneth Baker Saturday, November 27, 2010     Schulz and Bandau: In recent pieces at Sweetow, Bay Area painter Cornelia Schulz goes deeper into a vein she has worked for some years: the multi-part shaped canvas as a foil for one of abstract painting’s potential weaknesses: the merely decorative. Around 1960, the traditional pictorial rectangle […]

“∞the∞quantum∞field∞” (2010), Jon Brumit, Christy Matson, Sarah Wagner This large-scale interactive installation involves two sheep made of hand-woven conductive fabric, and is inspired by, and adapted from, the early LucasArts 1989 fantasy adventure game LOOM, wherein the only people surviving the apocalypse are weavers, blacksmiths and carpenters. Q – How much time do you spend […]

August 5, 2010 By ROBERTA SMITH In Varieties of Abstraction Roberta Smith writes: … An energizing place to finish is Markus Linnenbrink’s “NOMATTERWHEREYOUGOTHEREYOUARE,” a site-specific painting in the tiny storefront gallery Number 35 (39 Essex Street). Mr. Linnenbrink has covered the walls, ceiling and floor with narrow bands of vibrant color that all seem to […]

Open Space SFMOMA July 15, 2010 On Artist’s Artists by Renny Pritikin Julia Couzens, from her Maidment series, paper tape (2009) In a recent catalogue essay on the Sacramento painter Julia Couzens, I wrote that, “Most artists have clear signs on their shop windows as you stroll past on the street: Digital Photographer; Conceptual Sculptor; […]

Kim Anno’s liberal media Artist tackles abstraction with gusto for the painted surface By Deanna Sirlin Kim Anno: Solo Exhibition Through June 12. Free. Tues., Thurs., Sat., 11 a.m.-6 p.m.; Wed. and Fri., 1-6 p.m. Marcia Wood Gallery, 263 Walker St. 404- In a small but powerful solo show of paintings, photographs, and video […]

Immersive installation: Chicago artists take over Public Pool with ‘Quantum Field’ Public Pool Sarah Wagner, Christy Matson and Jon Brumit Artists Sarah Wagner, Christy Matson and Jon Brumit have teamed to create the large- scale, interactive installation “The Quantum Field,” a piece inspired by, and adapted from, the early LucasArts 1989 fantasy adventure game LOOM. […]

HELEN O’LEARY Fellow: Awarded 2010 Field of Study: Fine Arts Competition: US & Canada Website: Artist Helen O’Leary was born in County Wexford, Ireland, and studied at the National College of Art and Design in Dublin before coming to the United States to continue her studies at the School of the Art Institute of […]

    2/23/10 PATRICIA SWEETOW by derek conrad murray SAN FRANCISCO “EVERYTHINGEVERYWHEREALLTHE TIME,” Markus Linnenbrink’s latest exhibition, was an impressive showing of 17 works—many of which are a continuation of his now well-known drip paintings made of epoxy resin on wood panels. While the German artist’s color field works are distantly reminiscent of the striped […]

CRITICS’ PICKS: Jiha Moon / SALTWORKS / January 23 – March 6 By Rebecca Dimling Cochran February 2010   Jiha Moon’s increased confidence is evident in this new series of paintings. The tension between figuration and abstraction still pervades her repeated layering of traditional Asian landscapes and gestural expressionism. But this new work seems to […]

Life and death: Jiha Moon at Saltworks, Gyun Hur at Get This! By Catherine Fox Feb 11, 2010 Pairing two Korean-American artists in a review smacks of the subtle racism of Black History Month. Yet seeing the solo shows of Gyun Hur and Jiha Moon in adjacent galleries — Get This! and Saltworks, respectively — makes it irresistible. Both commingle Eastern and Western art modes and cultural […]