Kim Anno – Annotations; Antonius Bui – &mortar / Kim Anno – Annotations; Antonius Bui – &mortar


Kim Anno / Battle / 2017 / oil on silk screen mounted on aluminum /17 x 21 inches (43.86 cm x 54.18 cm)

Kim Anno / Civil/ 2017 / oil on silk screen mounted on aluminum / 48 x 67.5 inches (123.84 cm x 174.15 cm)

Kim Anno / Lion / 2017 / oil on silk screen mounted on aluminum /15.5 x 16.5 inches (39.99 cm x 42.57 cm)

Kim Anno / Miraculous Panorama / 2017 / oil on silk screen mounted on aluminum / 48 x 64 inches (123.84 cm x 165.12 cm)

Kim AnnoGive and Taken / 2017 / oil on silk screen mounted on aluminum / 56 x 78 inches (144.48 cm x 201.24 cm)

Kim Anno / The Arrangement / 2017 / oil on silk screen mounted on aluminum /48 x 64 inches (123.84 cm x 165.12 cm)

Antonius Bui / &mortar / cut paper sculpture installation / September 2017 / photo: Azza Hourani

Antonius Bui / &mortar / cut paper sculpture installation / September 2017 / photo: Azza Hourani

Antonius Bui / &mortar / cut paper sculpture installation / September 2017 / photo: Azza Hourani

Kim Anno / Bear / 2017 / oil on silk screen mounted on aluminum /15.5 x 16.5 inches (39.99 cm x 42.57 cm)

Kim Anno / Annotations / paintings & photography

Kim Anno / Annotations / paintings & photography

Kim Anno / Annotations / paintings & photography

Press Release


Exhibition Dates: September 9 – October 21, 2017

Reception Date: September 9, 2 – 5pm

Reception Day Event: Antonius Bui performance in cut paper costume

*Event: September 23rd, 7:30 pm – Kim Anno screening, discussion with Alla Efimova & Kim Anno.

Kicking off the Fall Season, Patricia Sweetow Gallery presents Kim Anno, Annotations, paintings and photography. In our 12’ x 12’ installation room, Antonius Bui will present &mortar, hand-cut paper sculpture.  Exhibition dates: September 9 – October 21, 2017. Reception: September 9, 2 – 5:30pm. During the September 9th opening, Antonius Bui will perform in costume of his own making.

September 23rd at 7:30pm, Kim Anno will project a selection of short films on the side of 480 23rd Street, with a discussion after the video selections with Alla Efimova & Kim Anno. Alla Efimova, PhD, is the Founder and Principal of KunstWorks. As an art historian, curator, and museum director, she has been a strong advocate for artists’ rights and strategic legacy planning. Efimova is the author of several books, catalogs, and numerous articles and serves on the boards of regional and national cultural organizations.

With a 25 year studio practice as a recognized painter, Kim Anno has re-established herself as an insightful multi-disciplinary artist. Her work has been exhibited, published, and screened nationally and internationally for two decades. For the exhibition at PSG, Kim Anno will present paintings and photographs. Remixing 19th century steel engravings, Anno examines her own nostalgia for the picturesque. She views the narratives of the source material as the dominance of humankind, rather than the equilibrium inherent in the natural world. Anno asks the viewer to suspend their view of the romantic deception as told in the engravings and see the images as a precursor to our contemporary global climate dilemma. Anno rearranged the images in her paintings to be both empathetic and dystopian at the same time. She becomes the subversive interloper punctuating a rearranged sentence, only using tools of painterly refinement.

The photographs in the exhibition were created while in production on two films: 90 Miles From Paradise, a staged project about the shared ecosystem of Key West and Havana; and ¡Quba!, an LGBTQ documentary in Cuba. Kim Anno’s photography is medium format, taken of staged elements she arranges with a cast of actors and dancers in the landscape.

Anno has received grants and fellowships from the Open Circle Foundation, Goethe Institute, Berkeley Film Foundation, Zellerbach Foundation, and the Puffin Foundation. Her photographs have been published in Harper’s, Sierra Magazine, St. Anne’s Review, Art Papers. Collections include the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art; University of California, Berkeley Art Museum; Brooklyn Museum, New York; Columbia University Butler Rare Books Library, New York; Oakland Museum, Tubman Museum, Georgia; St. John’s University, Minnesota; Kresge Museum, Michigan State University; Arizona State University; and many others.

Antonius Bui (b.1992). will transform our 12’ x 12’ space with his embellished, draped, cut paper exhibition, &mortar. Bui identifies as a Queer Vietnamese artist whose work in paper sculpture manifests as extravagant installations, as well as performative events with paper. For his exhibition at PSG, Bui will install a series of hand-cut paper works exploring queer relationships. During our September 9th reception, Bui will perform with cut paper, encouraging audience participation. Antonius graduated with a BFA from Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA). In 2017 he received the Tulsa Artist Fellowship & the Kala Institute for the Arts Fellowship.



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